Challenge 2 : Uncovering New Business Horizons with AI

Title: AI Trailblazers for Business Opportunity Insights

Background: Unlocking new business opportunities amid economic fluctuations remains a formidable challenge for trade credit insurance entities like Acredia Versicherung GmbH. The objective is to harness AI's power to identify potential new clients through the analysis of current news and events, enabling risk-aware decision-making and exploration of business avenues.

Goal: Develop an AI-driven analytics tool tailored for Acredia Versicherung GmbH that pinpoints potential new business customers requiring trade credit insurance based on the analysis of news feeds, market trends, and economic indicators within Austria, Slovenia, and Croatia.

Challenge Statement: Participants are tasked with creating a sophisticated AI application that crawls, interprets, and extracts actionable business insights from the deluge of news and financial data. This application should lead to identifying companies likely to benefit from Acredia's services, specifically targeting commercial clients and public-law institutions operating on open account principles.

Data Set: Participants will use a collection of data sources, including news articles, financial reports, and industry-specific databases, to train and validate their models.

Expected Deliverables:

  • An AI algorithm/model that screens news and financial data to identify potential Acredia clients.

  • A user-friendly dashboard prototype offering real-time analytics to assist marketing and sales teams in strategic decision-making.

  • Documentation detailing algorithmic approach, data handling, user interface design, and integration with existing systems.

  • A presentation illustrating the tool’s function, compliance with data protection laws, and value addition to Acredia’s business model.

Criteria for Evaluation:

  • Relevance and effectiveness of the AI model in identifying potential leads for Acredia.

  • Applied sophistication in NLP and machine learning to distill insights from extensive datasets.

  • Practicality and accessibility of the dashboard for non-technical users.

  • Data protection and privacy standards.

  • Documentation and clarity in the final presentation connecting application benefits to Acredia’s operational goals.

    Resources: Participants will have access to:

  • No data is provided: New innovative ways of discovering potential leads

  • Tools and frameworks for AI development, including NLP and machine learning libraries.


  • 1st Place: Contract opportunity to deploy the solution within Acredia, a monetary reward, and showcase at industry events.